Monday, May 24, 2010

Hectic Weekend

Well, needless to weekend was packed full of things to do. We planted all of the gardens. We are now growing peas, beans, switch chard, spinach, broccoli, califlower, tomatoes, peppers, sweet corn(3 different varieties), cukes, two different kinds of squash and melons. It took almost six hours to re-rototil and plant the two gardens. We also worked on moving animals into new areas, mowing the rest of the lawn and thoroughly cleaning out the cow barn! And that was all on Saturday after chores and going to pick up the tomato and pepper plants.

Yesterday was full of adventures! I got to see one of my friends that I have not seen in way too long! I miss not seeing her more often but sometimes it is difficult with life being so hectic. I went to her graduation party to make sure she knows just how proud of her I am...she has accomplished something that I never have...and considering that she has a daughter, a full time job and is a single mom....that just confirms what I already knew in my heart! She is a fantastic person full of determination who refuses to let anyone get her down! I hope that she knows this about herself...I hope that she can see just what a special person she is to everyone's life that she touches. I know that she struggles sometimes with some personal issues...but the way I look at it..all she has to do is see her as I and so many others do. We all love her for who she is inside and out! know who you are, and honey, it doesn't matter what you weight or how you are one of the most beautiful women ever! You are kind hearted to those who deserve it and strong when push comes to shove! A smile on your face and laughter in your voice makes the whole world shine! Never let anyone make you feel bad about yourself...If they can't see you for who you are, then screw 'em and leave them in the dust as you head to new and better places!
As you can tell...I love this girl like a sister! She deserves so much out of life and I wish her nothing but the absolute best. Her luck is like mine...good when you expect it to be bad and horrible when you wish it was good! Yesterday during her party, her little one fell of the steps for the slide and bumped her way to the ground...after a trip to the Doc it turns out that she has a broken arm/wrist. What a way to celebrate...I feel so bad for both Mom and little one but, kids heal quick and she will be driving her mom crazy in no time...sorry big momma but it's true lol
After we left the party, we went to visit with our Granddaughter. She is a precious angel and loves her grandma very much. She was crying her eyes out when we got over to me she comes and haha guess what no more tears. She didn't cry one more tear while we where there. I love that little one to pieces. After that, we went shopping to pick up some more things for the animals and then we went to Rich's sister's house to visit with some more of the family. It was a good time!
Then it was home to do chores..and finally head to bed about 11...we had to go look at what kind of turkeys Rich and I are going to pick out to give to Rich's daughter and son-in-law for a wedding gift. It is going to be funny when Rich's whole family buys them livestock as gifts! I will make sure I get a ton of photos to share!
Well...I am off to get chores done...before it gets too hot this morning!
I will write more later...God Bless and stay cool out there today!

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