So, the photo here is the damage done to our barn roof. The tractor is unfortunately, buried under that pile of rubble! Hoping to get it out of there sometime this weekend.
On another note, things were rough around here today. We had problems keeping water unthawed and heat. It was a whole 2 degrees out this morning! It didn't help any that the wind was blowing and no matter how warm you dressed the wind and cold just kept biting. I spent the majority of the day going in and out of the house trying to keep up with all of the issues. For me, today was a complete waste of time. But...the water lines didn't freeze and everything is now warm! So, over all it turned out alright. Things will get back on track tomorrow!
As for some upcoming things, we have been asked to contribute to another blog. One about grassy biomass and I am going to use that opportunity to start establishing the connection between farming and renewable/sustainable energy. I can't wait. I will link to the blog once it is released.
It still amazes me sometimes what a backwoods country hick can accomplish! I sit back sometimes and think about all of those wasted years when I was a pessimist! I know, first hand, how difficult it is to be an optimist but, there are rewards beyond your wildest imagination if you are just open to the possibilities!!!!!!
God Bless! Stay warm and more news to follow soon!
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