Monday, May 3, 2010

Dandelion Syrup

Well, needless to say, the animals are loving the cooler weather today...and even the quick burst of rain that flew over today. It's one in the afternoon now and things are quiet around here. The birds are chirping, the neighboors have gone to town and traffic is down to nothing!

My adventure for today was to finish my new recipe for Dandelion Syrup. It is on it's last heating but, since I can't find patience today to save my own life, I have already tasted it! De-Lic-Ious as all I am going to say! Definately worth the time and materials! It reminds me of Wildflower Honey with a little bit of a lemony twist to it. The recipe is about as basic as it comes.

Dandelion Syrup:
4 large handfuls of dandelion flowers, stems removed
2 lbs of sugar (and for those of us who have measuring cups now...that's about 4 1/2 cups)
The juice of 1/2 of a lemon.
1 quart of water
You add the rinsed flowers to a pot with the water. Heat over a low heat until the water begins to boil...this takes a bit, but once the water starts to steam, keep a close eye for the boil. Once the bubbles start popping for the boil, keep it boil for 1/2 minute (I counted to 30 and shut it off, removing from the heat). Allow to cool overnight.
In the morning, strain flowers, pressing out all of the water from the buds. KEEP the liquid. Once strained (I used an old dish cloth after it had been disinfected and dried in the sun) add the sugar and lemon to the flavored water. Over low heat, bring up to temperature and cook until most of the water is gone. You will see the water laying on the top of the "juice" underneath. Once the water is nearly gone, remove from heat and allow to cool. I cheated and used to fridge to bring the temperature down to about body temperature. You then put the pot back over a low heat until thickened to about the same consistency of maple syrup! I then added the syrup to reused glass jars with metal lids that I scalded in very hot water for 15 minutes. The lids resealed themselves.
I am going to make my own labels to put on the jars and WA-LA Dandelion Syrup that tastes a lot like Wildflower Honey with a bit of a lemon flavor to serve over the next batch of pancakes or waffles. I am going to have the neighboors test it out later today....I will let you know what they think!!!
I am going to experiment with some other edible flowers as well. I will let you know exactly what "flavors" I come up with!
Now, I am off to make labels for my jars and to pick some more dandelions in a few (after the sun dries them off) to make a batch of dandelion wine that is a favorite around these parts! I am so proud of myself and happy that I have discovered another long lost delicious thing to add to our family meals!
God Bless and May all of you find as much joy in life as I have!

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